San Francisco’s Getting Absolutely Fabulous!


The live-stage version of the hit British sitcom—ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS—is premiering in San Francisco October 2nd. Yes, Edina and Patsy are coming to town.

SF’s newest theater—Royal British Comedy Theatre—is producing the show starring an ensemble of local comic actors.  Directed by Christian Heppinstall. Costume Designer: Craig Marotzke. Makeup & Wigs: Diego Gomez.

Season One will be staged featuring the original six episodes: Fat, Fashion, France, ISO Tank, Birthday, Magazine. Actors will obviously speak in faux Brit accents throughout.

Royal British Comedy Theatre is so new you won’t find anything online about it. However that will soon change so stay tuned. They are premiering ourselves this autumn with Season One of Absolutely Fabulous and will follow with other popular British sitcoms, films and stage works. Brush up your Queen’s English!

Terrence McLaughlin stars as Edina, ZsaZsa Lufthansa stars as Patsy, Annie Larson stars as Gran, Dene Larson stars as Saffy and Raya Light stars as Bubble.

For tickets and more information CLICK HERE!

Author: Drag Queens Galore

We're all about anything Drag Queens.

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